Sephora Haul

While I was M.I.A from the blogging world I did some shopping actually a lot of shopping (my bank account is in tears right now ) but that was all online and for another day.
The only in store purchase was at Sephora, usually when I am at Sephora I tend to go the value sets to try out everything and not spend the money on a full size that I might hate.
This time wasn’t any different.
I bought the customized Skincare set where I can pick five products of my choice for only 29 bucks.20140706-144727-53247802.jpg
( I also picked up my birthday gift)

What I picked plus my Sephora gift


Speaking of gifts I want to show everyone my new case I received!

Anyone a fan? Have you seen the revamped episode yet?! 🙂

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