Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics After Dark set

Hi guys , I hope everyone having a good Wednesday!  Since I last posted tons of things of happen causing me to push my post back. ( my dog needed surgery and then my human and I  got a new car) Thankfully those situations have been taken care off , and I now can focus on my blog and makeup (which I haven’t been wearing lately because my skin been a wreck with the constant weather changes 😒)

Now on to the makeup!

If you didn’t know already I have become obsessed with OCC LIPTARS and just want them all , so when I saw this set for 10 bucks I  needed it.

A neon pink

What I feel

I have no clue what’s going in my picture, on me it comes off really red..meh

 A sheer glossy black

What I feel

This kind of just fueled my need for a matte black lipstick.

an intense pastel pink

What I feel

A  pretty  casual day out color 

a red-orange

What I feel

I am still not sure what I feel.


I actually like them which is surprising since I am not really into sheer colors.

*  I will go  into further detail in a later post *